Singing for hours without straining the voice is possible for everyone. If when you sing you lose your voice, become breathless or have frequent sore throats then it is best to take action immediately to figure out where the problem lies in your vocal technique.
Your new voice starts with a Voice Assessment!
Singing without issues is not impossible. We were all born already able to sing for hours without straining our voices. Now you have to understand why your voice no longer supports you. Surely the way you are using your vocal cords is no longer natural and you have picked up harmful habits.
Mylena Vocal Coach's Inborn Voice® method has become renowned precisely because it is known to solve these kinds of problems for good. In fact, it does not claim to teach new skills or new techniques, but instead promises to remove what you learned more or less unintentionally, wrong. Only in this way you can free your voice and be able to sing hours and hours, every day, all your life.
Everything is based on muscle and sensory memory, not brain memory.
... Every day I receive distress calls from people of all ages. Very young people suffer from exposure to the media. They firmly believe that all they need to sing is exercises, vocalizing and above all songs to sing. Yet this is not the case.
To be able to sing without any voice problems you only need one thing: a healthy and correct technique. Those who sing, for fun or under direction of a teacher, and find themselves losing their voice, are neglecting the symptoms that show the discomfort of the vocal cords and therefore the presence of a harmful technique. The vocal cords must be protected, not abused!
Nobody says this. On the contrary, it is easier to hear the opposite, that it is "normal" to suffer from lowering of voice or other vocal problems when you " learn" how to sing. You hear even worse, like using medication, alcohol or painkillers. Some students are even harassed by their teachers and remain convinced that they are the "problem", the "inept ones".
By booking your voice assessment session, you will have more than thirty years of Mylena Vocal Coach's international experience at your fingertips. Despite being one of the most sought-after professionals in the world, she offers everyone the opportunity to benefit from a 45-minute online meeting directly with her!
Book your Voice Assessment!
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You are not forced to sign up to Paypal to proceed with the purchase.
If you would like to schedule a Voice Assessment in a different time/day, you can always contact us and ask for a different one.
The Voice Assessment is given by Inborn Voice, an US based corporation.
If you have questions or other special request, if you are a voice professional or if you prefer a face to face appointment (in Boston, Milano or London) contact directly Mylena at this contact page.
If you follow Mylena over the social media you may find special priced offers!
Get started now!
We grant everyone the opportunity to start with a first Voice Assessment session. It will not be required to sing to complete the meeting, which will take place online with Mylena Vocal Coach.
She will put all her 30+ years of international experience at your service, something no other Top Vocal Coach offers.
Afterwards, if you desire, you can begin with tailored vocal coaching sessions to address what you identified with Mylena or, if you prefer, with a certified Inborn Voice trainer.
Do you want to learn how to sing or express your emotions? Do you want to improve your range with private lessons, classes, or do you have any questions? Fill out and submit the form!
Hints for self-learning and insights:
The Art of keeping a healthy voice
Free eBook!
Your vocal health is more important to Mylena than anything else. That's why she chose to make this ebook available for free. Before you start any singing classes, be it in person, in a group or online, perhaps self-taught courses, don't forget to read The art of keeping an healthy voice (retail price 14,99$!)
The book includes: ● Mylena Vocal Coach's Five Golden Rules ● 28 Practical tips ● 25 Testimonials ● and much more!
The Way of the Voice
The latest book by Mylena Vocal Coach
If you believe that your voice has a hidden power yet, then you might be interested in deepening its expressive abilities by reading Mylena's latest book "The Way of the Voice". In this new book, Mylena explains the fundamentals of her Inborn Voice® method and the secrets of her success.
This book contains 16 life experiences that all have a common starting point: voice training through the Inborn Voice® method. They are all people who sought out Mylena to improve their personal, professional or social communication skills. Women and men of all ages or backgrounds, who by reacquainting themselves with the sounds of their own voice were able to turn their lives around, literally rising from the ashes like a phoenix.
Learning to use the voice to express feelings, emotions and ideas has never been easier. Forget useless vocalizations, silly karaoke lessons or outdated exercises. With this new program you can learn together with Mylena and the best in the field. All videos are in English. One more chance to improve your voice!
The only Vocal Coach
that does not "makes a fool" on Youtube
You may have noticed that on Youtube you can only find "fake" Vocal Coach. Unscrupulous people who take the dreams of young ones and exploit them for their personal glory or who just make a fool of some artist's way of singing, without giving constructive or valuable content. Mylena is the first "real" Vocal Coach who creates educational videos without making fun of anyone else.
If you are curious about Mylena Vocal Coach's work and want to experience her teaching skills without engaging in a personal training, then her Workshops and Retreats are for you. In all major European cities, like Milan, London, Paris, New York and Los Angeles.
Contact us to combine the workshop with a study trip!
By booking in advance you will save time and money!