The Italian TV guide “TV Sorrisi e Canzoni” features an article about me and my website!
Here is an extract from the article, translated for you:
We realize how important the voice is when we lose it unexpectedly. But we should rather make some vocal exercises everyday, even when we think it is all right.
Advice for using it well
Try to always maintain a conversational tone: it puts less stress on the vocal cords.
When your voice is lowered or weakened, don’t force it to use a normal tone: this will make it worse.
Do not smoke: especially women and young people, this inflames the vocal cords and over the long term can change your vocal timbre.
Yes to gentle flushes, morning and evening: mouthwashes and warm water and salt, maybe with a little mint (which disinfects and relaxes).
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We grant everyone the opportunity to start with a first Voice Assessment session. It will not be required to sing to complete the meeting, which will take place online with Mylena Vocal Coach.
She will put all her 30+ years of international experience at your service, something no other Top Vocal Coach offers.
Afterwards, if you desire, you can begin with tailored vocal coaching sessions to address what you identified with Mylena or, if you prefer, with a certified Inborn Voice trainer.
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I remember this TV magazine when I was living in Italy in the nineties!
I remember reading this magazine in Italy while waiting for an haircut. wow time’s fly
Who’s the man on the magazine cover?
I love that photo with curly hairs! Wonderfull lady
I remember you!!